
Pee Dee GIS Users Group

SC GIS Professionals in the Pee Dee Area



I am a GIS professional with over 20 years of GIS, Mapping and Surveying related experience. I currently am the Vice President of GIS and IT services for Keck & Wood, Inc. Keck & Wood is an Engineering, Planning, Surveying and GIS firm that specializes in providing services to small to mid sized government agencies. I am also an ESRI Authorized Instructor and a Certified Floodplain Manager.

Discounted training at SCARC 2014 GIS Conference

Need discounted training?   Unable to attend the 2014 conference? 

If any of these apply to you, than you should register for a post-conference workshop!

SCARC is able to offer the following post-conference workshops at deeply discounted prices.  You can register for a post conference workshop without registering for the conference (just choose the ‘post-workshop only’ option at registration).  If you have already registered for the 2014 conference you can return back to the registration page and modify your registration.  If you are still planning to register, please consider adding a workshop to your registration.

Register now for a post conference workshop!




Class Size

Date Offered




Tripp Corbin, MCP, CFM,   GISP




2 Days

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Javascript for the Absolute   Beginner

Amy Wright Webber, MS GISc,   CTT+, GISP




1 Day

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ArcGIS Online from
A to Z

Kevin Remington, GISP




1 Day

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ArcSDE/SQL Server for   ArcGIS 10.x

Kent Rothrock




1 Day

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Do you need help navigating the ArcGIS Online Cloud? eGIS Associates’ new FlightPlan© for ArcGIS Online can help your investment take flight.

The need to organize, visualize, analyze and share Geospatial data is growing at an ever increasing rate, but the cost of deploying desktop, server, mobile and web GIS solutions has been a prohibiting factor for many. Esri’s cloud-based mapping solution, ArcGIS Online provides a cost effective and robust platform for sharing geospatial data with users both inside and outside of your organization.

“ArcGIS Online represents a big step into the future for the use of GIS. Being able to share maps, data, tools and more via the Cloud is a powerful means of delivery. Now anyone with a web connection can access critical information at any time on almost any device, whether it is a smart phone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer.” says Tripp Corbin, CEO of eGIS Associates.

Esri’s most recent update to ArcGIS Online in July added new spatial analysis tools, improved imagery display, improved routing tools, incorporated additional web application templates and more to further expand its capabilities. eGIS Associates’ new FlightPlan© for ArcGIS Online can help your organization navigate the Cloud and ensure a successful implementation and deployment of Esri’s ArcGIS Online.

FlightPlanJason Kandrick, President of eGIS Associates believes that “Esri opened the flood gates for their customers to implement ArcGIS Online when they incorporated an ArcGIS Online subscription for organizations who use ArcGIS for Desktop 10.2 (Basic, Standard, or Advanced) and are current on maintenance. While ArcGIS Online releases whole new level of access to GIS technology [thereby expanding an organization’s ROI], many GIS users are still unsure about cloud-based services, what they are and how they can be used. This is why we created our FlightPlan© for ArcGIS Online service – to assist our customers with implementing Esri’s powerful new tool, free of turbulence.”

The new entitlement mentioned above provides those with ArcGIS for Desktop licenses on current maintenance with a number of named users plus 100 ArcGIS Online Credits equal to the total number of ArcGIS for Desktop licenses.

What is eGIS’ FlightPlan© for ArcGIS Online?

eGIS’ FlightPlan© is a tiered service that will help your organization’s ArcGIS Online investment take flight. Our tiers allow you to plot a course that intersects your budget and needs. They include:

  • FlightPlan© Basic – Our ArcGIS Online experts help you determine what ArcGIS Online Subscription level is right for your organization
  • FlightPlan© Standard – Includes the Basic tier service, plus setup and configuration assistance with your ArcGIS Online Subscription and training for your key staff members.
  • FlightPlan© Advanced – Includes all tier services, plus our experts provide ongoing assistance with managing your ArcGIS Online Subscription, site, shared services, maps, and applications.

To request more information about our new FlightPlan© for ArcGIS Online service visit our website at or email us at

About eGIS Associates, Inc.:

eGIS Associates, Inc., an Esri Silver Partner, is focused on providing efficient and cost effective Geospatial Solutions that meet the growing needs of public and private sector enterprises. Our mission is to help our customers consume the Power of Place with current technology standards and Applied Spatial Intelligence©. eGIS maintains credentialed staff in multiple Geospatial and IT disciplines to serve the range of needs of our clients. Our “tool kit” of resources includes mobile training labs and a host of state-of-the-art technology to aid in providing high quality and cost-effective results.

ArcGIS for Desktop 10.2: What can I expect?

ArcGIS 10.2 is scheduled to be released soon. The exact date has not been published yet, but based on past experience it is likely be soon after the Esri User Conference in July. Many of us have a significant investment in Esri’s ArcGIS Platform, which often includes custom and third party applications that can make the migration process challenging. So what can you expect with ArcGIS 10.2?

eGIS Associates is an Esri Business Partner and has had an opportunity to evaluate the pre-release of ArcGIS 10.2. It includes a number of improvements for the Desktop, Server, Mobile and Online product suite. Esri has added several new Geoprocessing tools, furthered Python integration, released new extensions for ArcGIS Server, improved CAD data support (2013 DWG) and more. One of the biggest enhancements for the ArcGIS 10.2 release is the “Portal for ArcGIS” as a core product. This will allow you to deploy ArcGIS Online functionality behind your own firewall.

Read more about ArcGIS Desktop 10.2 and what to expect by clicking here.

I have a Flex app. What should I do now?

Many organizations have invested in Flex/Flash based web applications. Announcements from Adobe that they are dropping future development of Flex or Flash on top of Apple’s decision not to support Flex, has left many organizations that have invested in Flex GIS web applications scratching their heads. What should you do now? Should you move to HTML 5? What about JavaScript? Maybe ArcGIS Online is the answer?

What to do now?

If you have a Flex based GIS Application right now, there is no need to panic. These will continue to be supported in the current generation of desktop web browsers. I imagine new desktop browser versions such as Internet Explorer, Chrome and Firefox will continue to support Flex for a while to come. Too many organizations have invested development in Flex based web apps and we are not just talking about GIS. You can find Flex based websites in many industries such as economic development, realty, and financial services. This will help drive a continuing need to support Flex so you do have some time to plan a replacement strategy.

Replacement Strategy

As support for Flex drops over time, you will need to develop a replacement strategy for your Flex application. Do not put it off too long. Support for Flex will start to decline as new technologies such as HTML 5 come online. Have a plan and start working it while you have time and are not in panic mode trying to figure out what you are going to do because the commissioner can no longer get to the data and maps he or she has come to rely on. That is a sure fire way to not have a job in the morning.

First steps will include determining what platforms youwant to support. In this day and age, people expect to be able to access data from multiple devices. They might use a desktop or laptop in the office but then rely on an iPAD when in meetings and an Android Phone while travelling. Do you need or want to support all of these or some of these? That should be one of your first decisions.

The second step will be determining the level of support needed for these various devices. This will partially be driven by what functionality is deemed critical. You might find several out of the box solutions such as Esri’s ArcGIS Online or one of their template applications based on an industry standard data model, such as the Local Government Data Model, will fit your needs. This would remove the need for a lot of custom development which will save you time and money. It can also make future upgrades or transitions easier.

What is the HTML5 I keep hearing about?

HTML 5 is a new markup language use for developing, structuring and presenting website content. It will replace the current HTML 4.01 standard used by most websites. The new HTML 5 specification is still under development. It is supposedly going to be finalized by sometime in 2015. However, several modules are already supported by various browsers

SHtml5o what is the big deal about HTML 5? Why is it so much better than HTML 4? HTML 5 provides a whole new level of support for graphics, video, audio, user inputs, geolocation and more. Basically it is the next iteration of what has been dubbed Web 2.0. When the final specification for HTML 5 is released, developers will be able to mimic many of the “cool features” that we see in current Flex and Silverlight applications but without the need for an additional plug-in to be installed. This will allow HTML 5 applications to be supported on a wide range of devices and browsers. To find out more about HTML 5 you can go to –

As I mentioned the HTML 5 spec is still under development but many models have been approved and adopted. If you were to start developing an HTML 5 based application and wanted to determine which browsers support what level of functionality you can go to – Here are some current comparisons:

  • Chrome 23 on Windows 7 Pro – 448 out of 500 points
  • IE 9 on Windows 7 Pro – 138 out of 500 Points
  • Firefox 7 on Window 7 Pro – 314 out 500 Points
  • Safari 5.1.7 on Mac OS X 10.6.8 – 318 out of 500 Points
  • Android Browser on Droid X & Galaxy Tab – 200 out of 500 Points
  • Opera Mobile 12.10 on Droid X – 406 out of 500 points

As you can see support for HTML 5 is all over the place depending on which Browser you use. If you are stuck in an organization that has standardized on Internet Explorer you will not be able to use much of the new capabilities HTML 5 brings to the table. Even IE 10 is only reported to get a score of 320 points.

Will this happen again?

Of course it will.  This is true of any technology based solution. The only constant you can bet on is change. So how do you deal with it? I would recommend that you have a plan to replace/upgrade existing web and mobile applications on a regular cycle just as you do with you hardware. This can be made easier when you use out of the box solutions such as ArcGIS Online as you can pass off much of the pain of new development along to them. But you still need a plan so everyone in your organization knows what is to come and no one is surprised.

If you are currently using a Flex application, all is not lost. You still have some time to put together a plan to replace it. But don’t wait too long! As HTML 5 is finalized and adopted, support for Flex will drop. You don’t want to be the one everyone is pointing to when it hits the fan because your beautiful flex app no longer works and the boss can’t get what he or she needs at that critical moment.

Tripp Corbin, CFM, GISP
CEO & Lead Instructor
eGIS Associates, Inc.


SP 1 ArcGIS 10.1

Esri recently announced that it will release service pack 1 for ArcGIS 10.1 in October. It will address many issues that have been reported since it was released this past summer. Here are just a few of the issues Esri plans for this service pack to address:

  1. When selecting an option in the Interactive Selection Method from the Selection Menu in ArcMap, it will not update the selection for the same option in the Interactive Selection Method Tool. However, when selecting an option from the Interactive Selection Method Tool, it will update the selection for the same option in the Interactive Selection Method from the Selection Menu.
  2. The Extract by Rectangle tool does not honor the Output Extent Environment Variable
  3. Select by location does not consider datum transformation
  4. In ModelBuilder, the Select Layer By Location Tool fails to release memory during iteration.
  5. The Path Distance tool using vertical factor generates incorrect output
  6. The geoprocessing result returned from the Project tool is incorrect when attempting to reproject a feature class into a feature dataset.
  7. Spatial Join selects the wrong polygon as closest to a line.
  8. Performing an identity on a feature class with measures corrupts the M-values.
  9. The Extract Data tool fails on a large intermediate table of attributed relationship class.
  10. ArcMap freezes when importing 9.3.1 XML workspace
  11. ArcMap crashes when adding a raster to a raster field
  12. The Reshape Feature tool creates duplicate vertices at the end of a line.
  13. A Python field calculation treats a double-precision field as an integer if the values in the field are integers with no decimal places.
  14. Multipart to single part crashes ArcGIS
  15. Model with Join Field crashes ArcMap

Esri has published a 10 page document of issues that will be addressed by this Service Pack and it is growing. So the list above is by no means complete. If you have any feedback you would like to provide reqarding this service pack, you can post it on Esri’s forms (  Esri staff monitor these forums regularly and will be able to respond to feedback and questions.

If you would like to make a suggestion for functionality enhancements, you can post to

Tripp Corbin, CFM, GISP
eGIS Associates, Inc.

Bing Imagery & ArcGIS 10.1

If you are like me, you often use Esri’s online Base Maps as a starting point for many maps and projects.  For those that use the Aerials and streets from Bing there is something you need to know if you try to export to PDF using ArcGIS 10.1. Due to a licensing change between Bing and Esri, you may have some issues with the exported PDF.

Beginning with ArcGIS 10.1, the Bing Maps logo is required to appear on all maps that consume Bing map services. The Bing logo draws on top of all layer to ensure it will be visible no matter what layers are in the map. This may adversely affect the map when it is exported or even printed because all layers are automatically rasterized on export. Possible issues can include:

PDF with Bing Imagery created in ArcGIS 10.1

  1. Data hidden by Bing Logo
  2. Blurry data or map
  3. If “Include Layers” option is selected during PDF export, everything is placed on single raster layer

This is a known issue but there is not much Esri can do because to the new license agreement with Bing. Recommended fix or work around is to use your own base maps or one of the other Esri online base maps.

Tripp Corbin, CFM, GISP
eGIS Associates, Inc.

GA Geospatial Conf. – Presentation Abstracts Submissions now open

The 2012 Georgia Geospatial Conference is requesting abstracts and posters/map gallery submissions from GIS professionals and students

The Georgia Geospatial Conference of 2012 to be held in Athens, Oct. 16-18 is shaping up to be an excellent event with a variety of subjects, presenters, and exhibits, not to mention numerous networking opportunities. This biennial event is the largest geospatial conference in the state.

By definition a conference is a chance to “confer,” to exchange information, not just receive it. For the conference to be its best, we need participants from a variety of backgrounds and perspectives to share their experiences, so please consider giving a 45-minute breakout session presentation if you are a professional or a 20-minute presentation if you are a student. We are seeking a wide variety of topics, so do not feel like your presentation must be about a major, complex or cutting-edge project. Often a great presentation can just cover a small or simple project approached in a unique or innovative way.

By presenting or displaying your poster/maps, you share your knowledge and lessons learned, but also gain valuable feedback from others. Keep in mind, presenting at the conference can earn you valuable points towards earning or maintaining GISP certification for GIS professions or towards earning Professional Development Hours (PDH) for Surveyors.

If you would like to submit a presentation abstract or poster/map, please go to and click on Participate to access the online submission forms.

Now offering GIS classes in South Carolina

eGIS Associates is excited to announce, we are now offering GIS classes in South Carolina through a partnership with Microstaff IT. Microstaff IT is an award winning IT training and services company based in Columbia SC.

In addition to traditional GIS classes, we have developed a series of IT classes specifically to teach skills needed by GIS Users. Below is a list of classes we will be holding at Microstaff IT’s facility in Columbia SC in the near future.

ArcGIS Classes:

  • ArcGIS  Desktop 1: Getting to know GIS – July 12 -13 Official Esri Course
  • ArcGIS Desktop 2: Tools & Functionality – July 16-18 Official Esri Course
  • ArcGIS Desktop Associate  Certification Exam Prep – July 19-20

IT Classes for GIS Users

  • SQL Server 1: Managing  & maintaining data in SQL Server – June 20-22, New class of GIS Users that need to  manage SDE Geodatabases in SQL Server.
  • Intro to computer networking basics for GIS Users  – July  2-3, New class
  • SQL Server 2: Installing & Configuring SQL Server  – July 25-27, New class for those implementing SDE with SQL Server

For more information about these classes please visit our website or email us at

Geocoding – Place Name Alias Tables and Spelling Sensitivity

Recently, I saw a question come across one of the many GIS email lists I am on asking about whether or not the spelling sensitivity setting in an Address Locator also worked with addresses located using names and a Place Name Alias table in ArcGIS. This question intrigued me because though I have done my share of geocoding over the years, I have not used place name aliases much. I was unsure how this would work so I decided to do some testing.  Click here to find out more

Tripp Corbin, CFM, MCP, GISP
eGIS Associates, Inc.

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